This paper was held by Franco Farinelli in his latest Seminar on 17 October 2018 at the Department of Philosophy and Communication of Bologna of which he was the outgoing Director. It focuses on the main thesis of his forthcoming book, which concerns the relationship between the mind and the city. Through an original reconstruction of the whole history of civilization to the present day, the Autor tries to demonstrate that in the Modern world the mind and the city, the mental dimension and the urban one have become the same thing.
Keywords Franco Farinelli -
La mente, la città e l’urbanico
Political geography, City, Mind, Mapping, Globalization.
Franco Farinelli
La mente, la città e l’urbanico
pp. 9-28
di Riccardo Fedriga, Fabiana Fraulini
Abstract Riccardo Fedriga, Fabiana Fraulini -
Soggetto, oblio di sé e silenzio. Una lettura della Consolatio Philosophiae di Severino Boezio
In this paper we intend to investigate the meaning of the loss of the self and how it is possible for the subject to reactivate, through an externalist procedure, his cognitive faculties. Boethius’ Consolatio Philosophiae is the story of the journey made by the subject from the self-forgetfulness, through re-appropriation of the cognitive faculties, obtained thanks the acts of reading the words enregistered into the Consolatio Philosopiae, following the capacity to reach, and having an epistemic knowledge of theological truths in the Opuscula Sacra.
Keywords Riccardo Fedriga, Fabiana Fraulini -
Soggetto, oblio di sé e silenzio. Una lettura della Consolatio Philosophiae di Severino Boezio
Medieval Philosophy, Late ancient Philosophy, Belief and Epistemic logic, History of Reading, History of Ideas, Subject, Boethius, Consolatio hilosophiae,
Opuscula Sacra.
Riccardo Fedriga, Fabiana Fraulini
Soggetto, oblio di sé e silenzio. Una lettura della Consolatio Philosophiae di Severino Boezio
pp. 29-48
di Lorenzo Carlucci, Laura Marino
Abstract Lorenzo Carlucci, Laura Marino -
Echoes of Manichaeism in the Architrenius
We present a reading of the poem Architrenius by Johannes de Hauvilla in the context of the twelfth-century debate on dualist heresy. We argue that the dialogue between man and Nature in Johannes’ poem can be read as a quaestio de providentia between a potential dualist heretic and Christian orthodox. In particular we claim that the basic tenets expressed by the main character are typical of what contemporary anti-heretical writers called “Manichaeism”. On the other hand the views expressed by Nature match anti-dualistic arguments common in twelfthcentury anti-heretical literarure.
Keywords Lorenzo Carlucci, Laura Marino -
Echoes of Manichaeism in the Architrenius
Architrenius, Providence, Manichaeism, Nature, XII century philosophy.
Lorenzo Carlucci, Laura Marino
Echoes of Manichaeism in the Architrenius
pp. 49-80
di Federico Minzoni
Abstract Federico Minzoni -
Averroismi al plurale, II: la ricezione del Commento grande al De anima di Ibn Rušd nelle Quaestiones in tertium de anima di Sigieri di Brabante
Siger of Brabant sketches in his Quaestiones in tertium de anima (ca. 1269) a noetic theory defending the unity of the intellect that is usually considered as a latin formulation of Ibn Rušd’s theory of the separateness of the material intellect as put forth in the Long Commentary on the De anima (ca. 1186). A closer look at key texts in both the Quaestiones and the Long Commentary will give us a quite different picture: while Siger works out his theory on the background of a dualistic anthropology that takes the union between the intellective soul (conceived as an hoc aliquid) and the human body to be only operational, Ibn Rušd (who develops his theory starting from strictly aristotelic epistemological premises) repeatedly stresses throughout the Long Commentary that, if man is an agent of thought, the union between the separate intellects and the thinking individual ought to be always hylomorphic. This paper aims at showing that, although Siger has often been identified as an averroist, his psychology is certainly not rushdian.
Keywords Federico Minzoni -
Averroismi al plurale, II: la ricezione del Commento grande al De anima di Ibn Rušd nelle Quaestiones in tertium de anima di Sigieri di Brabante
Material Intellect, Ibn Rušd, Siger of Brabant, Mind-Body Dualism, Hylomorphism.
Federico Minzoni
Averroismi al plurale, II: la ricezione del Commento grande al De anima di Ibn Rušd nelle Quaestiones in tertium de anima di Sigieri di Brabante
pp. 81-94
di Adamas Fiucci
Abstract Adamas Fiucci -
Similia similibus curantur. Note sulla medicina naturale di Flavio Querenghi
This article aims to analyze the Flavio Querenghi’s conception of medicine, a topic neglected in critical studies about this author. What emerges from a careful reading of his Discorsi morali politici et naturali is both a critique of medical science and the will to establish a different kind of medicine. Next to the pars destruens, that is strongly influenced by the reading of the Michel de Montaigne’s brief history of medicine (Essais, II, 37), comes the pars construens, strongly related to the author’s metaphysical doctrine of pre-established harmony between natural beings. This is the starting point of the birth of a new medicine, which consists in the substitution of medical authority and drugs for autarchy and natural medicines.
Keywords Adamas Fiucci -
Similia similibus curantur. Note sulla medicina naturale di Flavio Querenghi
Similia similibus curantur. Note sulla medicina naturale di Flavio Querenghi
pp. 95-108
di Gregorio Baldin
Abstract Gregorio Baldin -
Chiesa, scomunica e potestas indirecta: Sarpi e Hobbes, lettori di Marsilio e critici di Bellarmino
The emancipation of the secular from religious authority is a pivotal element in the development of modern States. This process is achieved, through the incorporation of religious power by the civil authority. However, from an intellectual point of view this requires the construction of an alternative political theology and ecclesiology. Paolo Sarpi and Thomas Hobbes are two of the intellectual protagonists of this historical and cultural phenomenon, and both reflect largely on the meaning of the word “church”, on the functions of religious authority, and on the nature of the sanctions that this authority can impose, first of all, excommunication. Both authors had also the same polemical target: Cardinal Roberto Bellarmino and his theory of potestas indirecta. Both thinkers also had access to common sources especially Marsilio da Padova. However, similarities in the arguments proposed by these authors against Bellarmino, are such as to suggest that some of Sarpi’s texts may have influenced Hobbes’s ideas.
Keywords Gregorio Baldin -
Chiesa, scomunica e potestas indirecta: Sarpi e Hobbes, lettori di Marsilio e critici di Bellarmino
Sarpi, Hobbes, Marsilio da Padova, Bellarmino, Church.
Gregorio Baldin
Chiesa, scomunica e potestas indirecta: Sarpi e Hobbes, lettori di Marsilio e critici di Bellarmino
pp. 109-130
di Gaetano Antonio Gualtieri
Abstract Gaetano Antonio Gualtieri -
Giambattista Vico e la formazione del linguaggio
In the period between the second half of the Seventeenth and the first half of the Century, one of the topics that especially interested Italian intellectuals was the one regarding the problem of language and its role in the field of knowledge. This theme was interwined with the need to cope with the more and more invasive presence of French which, with its features of sobriety and essentiality, seemed to embody those ideals of clearness and rationality advocated by Cartesianism and the Logique from Port-Royal. This essay, by starting from such premises, emphasizes how Vico had felt the need to reach this strictly rationalistic view since his first works, even though it was mainly in his masterpiece, Scienza nuova, that the Neapolitan philosopher showed it was fantasy and not reason to be at the roots of human language. The myths of the first men, called Universali fantastici, represented something similar to a “Common Dictionary of Mankind”, which was based on fantasy, metaphor, wit, memory and rhetoric procedures. All these features were not to be refused as they, more than reason, were rooted in those characteristics that were typical of mankind.
Keywords Gaetano Antonio Gualtieri -
Giambattista Vico e la formazione del linguaggio
Language, Reason, Port-Royal, Rhetoric, Myths.
Gaetano Antonio Gualtieri
Giambattista Vico e la formazione del linguaggio
pp. 131-153
di Alessandro Chiessi
Abstract Alessandro Chiessi -
Thomas Sydenham: natura e metodo nella prassi medica
This paper wants to show how nature and method play a central role in Sydenham’s medical conception and practice. For this reason, the first part of this study analyzes the nature by two perspectives: metaphysical and epistemological. Clarified this relation, it is possible to trace the characteristics of Sydenham’s clinical method and its peculiarities. Moving from that, the second part gives an account of the physiological conception displayed in curing small-pox, hysteria and hypochondria. A physiological reconstruction that is part of the epistemological conception of nature.
Keywords Alessandro Chiessi -
Thomas Sydenham: natura e metodo nella prassi medica
Thomas Sydenham, Nature, Method, Medicine, Small-pox, Hysteria, Hypochondria, Medical Practice, Empiricism.
Alessandro Chiessi
Thomas Sydenham: natura e metodo nella prassi medica
pp. 155-170
di Vittorio d’Anna
Abstract Vittorio d’Anna -
Elementi fenomenologici in Dello spirituale nell’arte di Wassily Kandinsky
Within the phenomenological horizon of his time, Kandinsky is ideally placed in an intermediate position between Husserl and Scheler, which respectively assign primacy to the subject or the object. At the center of his reflection, the inner necessity is above all of the life in general, but then by adhering to the soul it is refined and becomes subjective. Thus it appears within the abstract artwork. It is in its manifestations: in color, in sound, in the line. In things that are in creation, not in perception. The artist, giving it to her purity, puts herself at the service of the divine.
Keywords Vittorio d’Anna -
Elementi fenomenologici in Dello spirituale nell’arte di Wassily Kandinsky
Kandinsky, Husserl, Scheler, Art, Phenomenology, inner Necessity, Life.
Vittorio d’Anna
Elementi fenomenologici in Dello spirituale nell’arte di Wassily Kandinsky
pp. 171-193
di Edoardo Raimondi
Abstract Edoardo Raimondi -
Eric Weil: Morale e Politica
With this contribution I propose to rediscover the value of Weilian political and moral the thought. To this end, I will divide my essay in two parts: the first, in which I will refer to the re-interpretation of Aristotelian thought developed by the author; a second in which I will try to highlight those characteristics of modern society that Weil always kept in mind, through original reconciliation of Kantian and Hegelian thought. The issue is that the author did not cease to make dialogue with those of the ancient world: the Weilian thought, then, cannot no open itself to an essentially meta-philosophical perspective.
Keywords Edoardo Raimondi -
Eric Weil: Morale e Politica
Ancient World, Modern Society, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel.
Edoardo Raimondi
Eric Weil: Morale e Politica
pp. 195-212
di Manuela Macelloni
Abstract Manuela Macelloni -
Dagli abbagli crepuscolari dell’umanesimo all’alba del post-umano
One of the nodal issues problematized in the twentieth century was the crisis of the human dimension to the point of hypothesizing the alleged “death of man”. What I will try to develop in this work is a representation of the concept of technical Bildung as a possible new formative and interpretative paradigm of the dimension of human subjectivity, through some passages of the thought of three particularly significant authors in this debate: Spengler, Jünger, Anders. I will then show how the contemporary debate collects the results of the problems raised by this tradition of thought: in this case transhumanism – with particular attention to the interpretation offered by Riccardo Campa – and the posthumanism of Roberto Marchesini. The purpose of this paper will be to highlight and turn the screw on the interpretation made by the authors with the hope of understanding if the re-reading of the human paradigm, offered by these multiple voices, is really in contrast with the old humanist approaches or it is still based on the same perspective. Does man’s crisis actually produce decisive effects for a re-reading of the identity dimension that cannot be interpreted as human anymore? What is then a man? Non-human? Inhuman? Transhuman? Posthuman?
Keywords Manuela Macelloni -
Dagli abbagli crepuscolari dell’umanesimo all’alba del post-umano
Dagli abbagli crepuscolari dell’umanesimo all’alba del post-umano
pp. 213-232
Note e discussioni
di Alberto Burgio
di Alberto Burgio
Anatomia e critica di un canone italiano
pp. 235-244
di Matteo Cavalleri
di Matteo Cavalleri
Marx, la storia e la filosofia. Traiettorie ed ermeneutiche di provenienza e successione
pp. 245-259
di Riccardo Curcurù
di Riccardo Curcurù
Dalla «logistica» alla «logica». Profili teorici dell’apparato nazista
pp. 261-268
di Alessandro Dondi
di Alessandro Dondi
Una critica poco nota alla fenomenologia: i modi di esistenza di Etienne Souriau tra ontologia ed etica
pp. 269-283
di Francesca Fidelibus
di Francesca Fidelibus
Ambiziosi progetti targati IT
pp. 285-295
di Marina Lalatta Costerbosa
di Marina Lalatta Costerbosa
Un gioco di parole. Riflessioni sull’anarchismo
pp. 297-303
di Diego Alberto Biancolin
di Diego Alberto Biancolin
István Mészáros, Oltre il capitale, a cura di Nunzia Augeri e Roberto Mapelli, traduzione di Nunzia Augeri, Milano, Edizioni Punto Rosso, 2016, 913 pp.
di Riccardo Bonfiglioli
di Riccardo Bonfiglioli
Eric Schliesser, Adam Smith. Systematic Philosopher and Public Thinker, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017, 407 pp.
di Thomas Casadei
di Thomas Casadei
Federica Falchi, Dall’illuminismo scozzese all’owenismo. Il percorso ideale di Frances Wright, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica, 2017, 125 pp.
di Monica Cattabriga
di Monica Cattabriga
Sarah Moore Grimké, Poco meno degli angeli. Lettere sull’eguaglianza dei sessi, a cura di T. Casadei, trad. it. di I. Heindorf, con una nota bio-bibliografica, Roma, Castelvecchi, 2016, 123 pp.
di Alessandro Chiessi
di Alessandro Chiessi
A. Pirni, La sfida della convivenza. Per un’etica interculturale, Pisa, ETS, 2018, 306 pp.
di Gianluca De Fazio
di Gianluca De Fazio
Stefano Righetti, Etica dello spazio. Per una critica ecologica al principio della temporalità nella produzione occidentale, intr. di Manlio Iofrida, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2015, pp. 196.
di Ilaria Di Giuseppe
di Ilaria Di Giuseppe
Gian Luca Potestà, Claudia Mazzucato, Arturo Cattaneo (a cura di), Storie di giustizia riparativa. Il Sudafrica dall’apartheid alla riconciliazione, Bologna, il Mulino, 2017, 254 pp.
di Francesco Di Maio
di Francesco Di Maio
Igor Pelgreffi (a cura di), Derrida chi? Un ritratto, tredici interviste, Napoli-Salerno, Orthotes, 2017, pp. 355.
di Gennaro Imbriano
di Gennaro Imbriano
Christof Dipper, Ferne Nachbarn. Vergleichende Studien zu Deutschland und Italien in der Moderne, Köln-Weimar-Wien, Böhlau, 2017, 362 pp
di Gennaro Imbriano
di Gennaro Imbriano
Vladimir Il’ič Ul’janov (Lenin), Economia della rivoluzione, a cura di Vladimiro Giacché, Milano, il Saggiatore, 2017, 521 pp.
di Manlio Iofrida
di Manlio Iofrida
Alfonso M. Iacono, Il sogno di una copia. Del doppio, del dubbio, della malinconia, Milano, Guerini e Associati, 2016, 191 pp.
di Manlio Iofrida
di Manlio Iofrida
Luigi Pellizzoni, Ontological Politics in a Disposable World. The New Mastery of Nature, Farnham, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015, 259 pp.
di Giovanni Zanotti
di Giovanni Zanotti
Vittorio D’Anna, Herbert Marcuse. Il positivo nella filosofia negativa, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2017, 129 pp.