31.dianoia   dicembre 2020



pp. 3-4

Diego Donna e Mariafranca Spallanzani

Libertas philosophandi
Freedom of Expression Conscience and Thought in Modern Philosophy
Nota dei curatori

pp. 7-8

Mariafranca Spallanzani

“Libertas philosophandi”, “libero filosofare”, “free-thinking”,“liberté de penser”.
Variations and transformations in modern philosophy

pp. 9-44

Part 1 Seventeenth Century

Miguel Á. Granada

The Travail of Philosophical Liberty: libertas philosophandi in the long Sixteenth Century

pp. 47-67

Mordechai Feingold

Libertas philosophandi, English Style

pp. 69-84

Denis Kambouchner

La réserve des classiques et le problème des convictions

pp. 85-101

Daniel Garber

Libertas Philosophandi in the 17th Century. Some preliminary remarks

pp. 103-111

Delphine Bellis

La Libertas philosophandi contre le dogmatisme selon Pierre Gassendi

pp. 113-122

Antonella del Prete

Filosofare liberamente a Leida. Adriaan Heereboord, Johannes de Raey, Henricus Bornius

pp. 123-136

Francesco Cerrato

Leviathan in the Classroom. State and University in Thomas Hobbes

pp. 137-148

Fiormichele Benigni

How to prevent repression: Equality and Natural Right in Hobbes, Spinoza, and some critics

pp. 149-159

Francesca di Poppa

Superstition, Sedition, and Freedom in Spinoza’s Res Publica

pp. 161-176

Diego Donna

“He was in the world, and the world did not know him”. Spinoza’s Christ and the Freedom of Philosophy

pp. 177-189

Pina Totaro

Libertas Philosophandi and the First Italian Translation of Works of Spinoza

pp. 191-202

Laurynas Adomaitis

Leibniz’s Physical Explanation of Real Presence

pp. 203-216

Maria Rosa Antognazza

Truth and Toleration in Early Modern Thought

pp. 217-240

Part 2 Eighteenth Century

Richard Glauser

Anthony Collins’ Conception of Free-Thinking in the Discourse of Free-Thinking

pp. 243-253

Lorenzo Bianchi

Libertas philosophandi ed esercizio della critica da Bayle a Voltaire

pp. 255-269

Matteo Favaretti Camposampiero

Libertas philosophandi e scienza del possibile in Christian Wolff

pp. 271-280

Hubertus Busche

Libertas Philosophandi – Die Debatte in Deutschland zwischen 1651 und 1711

pp. 281-303

Hanna Szabelska

Freedom of Speech and the Myth of Empiricism

pp. 305-318

Gianni Paganini

Libertas philosophandi and liberty of hypothesising. Newton’s method and Hume’s turn in the Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion

pp. 319-339

Ruth Edith Hagengruber

Pressure on Enlightenment. Criticizing the Bible and Philosophy. From Nogarola to Du Châtelet

pp. 341-351

Charles T. Wolfe

Le libertinage est-il une conséquence nécessaire du matérialisme? Le matérialisme face à l’éthique (La Mettrie, Diderot)

pp. 353-365

Paolo Quintili

Diderot: teatro e libertà. Filosofia, censura, scrittura clandestina

pp. 367-384

© STEM Mucchi Editore
Finito di stampare nel mese di dicembre 2020
Grafica STEM Mucchi (MO)
Stampa Editografica (BO)


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